Python Lists
Problem Statement
Consider a list (list = []). You can perform the following commands:
insert i e: Insert integer at position .
print: Print the list.
remove e: Delete the first occurrence of integer .
append e: Insert integer at the end of the list.
sort: Sort the list.
pop: Pop the last element from the list.
reverse: Reverse the list.
Initialize your list and read in the value of followed by lines of commands where each command will be of the types listed above. Iterate through each command in order and perform the corresponding operation on your list.
Input Format The first line contains an integer,n , denoting the number of commands. Each line i of the n subsequent lines contains one of the commands described above.
Constraints The elements added to the list must be integers.
Sample Input 0
insert 0 5
insert 1 10
insert 0 6
remove 6
append 9
append 1
Sample Output 0
[6, 5, 10]
[1, 5, 9, 10]
[9, 5, 1]
list=[] q=int(input("Enter the number of input : ")) for i in range(q): a=int(input("Enter the number : ")) b=int(input("Enter the index : ")) list.insert(b,a) print(list) del list[0]
list.insert(0,1) print(list) del list[3]
list.reverse() print(list)