My Nursery

Submit solution

Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 8.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type
Allowed languages

Problem Definition

The Green Plantation Nursery sells the following five flower plants:-

  1. Hibiscus

    Unit Price: Rs.100, Colours available: Red, White, Pink, Violet, Orange, Yellow

  2. Rose

    Unit Price: Rs.200, Colours available: Red, White, Maroon, Yellow

  3. Marigold

    Unit Price: Rs.50, Colours available: Orange, Yellow

  4. Dahlia

    Unit Price: Rs.150, Colours available: Red, White, Pink

  5. Lotus

    Unit Price: Rs.300, Colours available: Blue, Pink, Yellow

Store these details using appropriate data organization and answer the following questions using a one-time menu option.

  1. Which flower has maximum colour variations?
  2. Given a colour name as input, list the names of flowers which has that colour shade.
  3. Given an amount as input, which all flowers can be bought such that all their colour varieties are purchased?
  4. List all unique colours - a colour which is available for only one type of flower.

Input Format

For options 1 and 4 the only input is the menu choice (1, and 4 respectively).

For the second and third options, there will be two inputs - menu choice and name of the colour/budget separated by a comma (Eg: - 2,White or 3,1500). Please note that there is no space between the menu value and the name of the colour/budget in the case of options 2 and 3.

An invalid menu value ( a value outside the range 1 to 4) gets the output message "Error".

Output Format

  • Option 1 - Flower Name
  • Option 2 - Names of flowers, for which the specified colour shade is available. If multiple flowers are available, the names are listed in the same line separated by a single space. If no such flower is available in the given colour, print "None".
  • Option 3 - name(s) of flower(s) whose all colour shades can be bought with the given amount. In the case of multiple flowers, the names are listed in the same line separated by a single space. If no flowers can be bought, print the message "None"
  • Option 4 - names of unique colours, in separate lines
  • Any other number as option - Error

Sample Input1


Sample Output1


Sample Input2


Sample Output2

Hibiscus Rose Dahlia


All text messages are case-sensitive.


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