[Missed Evaluation] Simple Text Editor

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Points: 50
Time limit: 0.5s
Memory limit: 200K

Problem type
Allowed languages

Problem Definition

Design a Java program that creates a Simple Text Editor. The program should have a graphical user interface (GUI) with a text area to input and edit text, along with two buttons - "Save" and "Load".

  • When the "Save" button is clicked, the program should prompt the user to enter a file name and save the contents of the text area to a text file with the given name.

  • When the "Load" button is clicked, the program should prompt the user to enter the file name to load. It should then read the contents of the specified file and display them in the text area.


  • Use the Swing library to create the GUI components.
  • Handle any possible exceptions that may occur during file handling.

Your task is to implement the above requirements and demonstrate the functionality of the text editor program.




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