[Practice] Harshad number

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Points: 5
Time limit: 0.5s
Memory limit: 2M

Problem type
Allowed languages

Problem Definition

Check if the given number is Harshad's Number using the function isHarshad. This function shall return 1 (if the given number is Harshad), 0 (if not Harshad), and -1 (if the number is <= 0).

Harshad Number

Positive integers that are divisible by the sum of their digits. Consider the number 18. The sum of its digits is 1 + 8 = 9, 18 is divisible by 9.

Test Data

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

Number should be greater than 0.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2

23 is not a Harshad number.

Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3

21 is a Harshad number.


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