Barath's ball machine

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 12M

Problem type
Allowed languages
C++, Python


Barath has a machine that throws balls and has a counter meter installed in it. Each time when the button is pressed to throw the balls, the machine throws the number of balls equal to the integer saved in its counter meter.

E.g., Let the counter be set to 5; when the throw button is pressed, the machine will throw 5 ping-pong balls and turn itself off. To throw more balls, you need to press that button again with/without resetting the counter.

You have a box in front of you and want to collect 'N' balls in it. To achieve this, you are going to perform some operations, where each operation can be one of the following types:

  1. Reset the counter with the number of balls present in the box.
  2. Press the throw button.

If initially the counter is set to 0 and the number of balls in the box is 1, find the minimum number of operations needed to collect exactly 'N' balls (first ball inclusive), assuming that all balls thrown by the machine are collected in the box.

Input Format:

The first line contains T, denoting the number of tests.

For each Test :
    The only line contains one integer N, denoting the required number of balls in the box.

Output Format:

For each test, print one integer, denoting the minimum number of operations needed to collect exactly N balls in the box.

Constraints -

1 <= T <= 10^3
1 <= N <= 10^6

Sample input


Sample Output


Explanation For Sample Input:

For case 1:

Initially, the box contains 1 ball. First operation is resetting the counter from 0 to 1 and for next two consecutive operations, throw 1 ball in each operation. After a total of three operations, the box contains 3 balls.

For Case 2:

First operation is resetting the counter from 0 to 1. Second operation is throwing 1 ball. Third operation is resetting the counter to 2 and for next two consecutive operations, throw 2 balls in each operation. After a total of five operations, the box contains 6 balls. There exists another order for operations as well, but the number of operations cannot be less than 5


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