Solve the Assignment for Akash

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Points: 20 (partial)
Time limit: 10.0s
Memory limit: 12M

Problem type
Allowed languages
C++, Python

Akash is an assignment-o-holic kind of a person, he's crazy about solving assignments. So, to test his skills, his professor has given him an assignment to solve. In this assignment, Akash is given a String S of length N consisting of lowercase letters (a - z) only. And he has to take care of 2 types of operations. • Operation type #1: [ 0 index c ] - 0 denotes the operation type #1. This operation expects you to change the character at index index to character c i.e., String[index] = c. • Operation type #2: [ 1 LeftLimit RightLimit K ] - 1 denotes the operation type #2. It expects you to print the lexicographically Kth smallest character in the sub-string of String S starting from LeftLimit to RightLimit, inclusively.

Help Akash out in solving this tricky assignment! Note: The lexicographic order means that the words are arranged in a similar fashion as they are presumed to appear in a dictionary. For example: The words a1a2.....ak will be appearing before the words in the dictionary.

Input format:

The first line contains 2 space separated integers N and Q, denoting the length of the string and the number of operations respectively. The next line has a string S of length N. The next Q lines denote the update/print operations, where 0 and 1 denote the type of operation which has to happen. Output format: For each print operation, output the lexicographically Kth smallest character in the substring of S starting from LeftLimit to RightLimit if possible, else print "Out of range". (Without quotes)


1 <= Size of the string <= 106 1 <= Number of queries <= 105 1 <= LeftLimit, RightLimit, index <= N c is a lowercase Latin letter only 1 <= K <= N S contains only lowercase latin letters (a to z). Note: Operations are iterative in nature i.e., after each update operation string S gets updated and subsequent operations will performed on the updated string.


5 3 aabbc 1 2 5 3 0 3 a 1 3 3 1


b a


In the first print operation, L = 2, R = 5 and K = 3. So, the substring will be String[2:5] = "abbc", so lexicographically the 3rd smallest character will be b. (Second one!) The second operation is update operation, index = 3 and c = 'a', so it will update the 3rd character. After updating the string, it will now be "aaabc". In the third operation, L = 3, R = 3 and K = 1. So the substring will be String[3:3] = a. So lexicographically, 1st smallest character will be a.


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