19CSE201-2020-LAB2-CSEB-C++ Basics



Problem Points AC Rate Users
basicinput 5p 50.9% 786
helloworld 5 26.9% 713
Rectangular shape 5 26.9% 443
Multiplication Table 5 25.1% 611
Circle area 5 43.8% 685
Find Gross salary 5 49.5% 638
19cse201-08. Choices 20p 29.4% 398
19cse201-09 - playing with numbers 10p 63.7% 391
19cse201-10 - Digit Frequency 20p 34.3% 334
19cse201-11 - Eating Contest 20p 25.9% 103
19cse201-12 - Contact Tracing 10p 55.0% 376
19cse201-13 - Mystery Number 10p 51.1% 300
19cse201-14 - The Mystery Number Returns 10p 45.6% 144


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