19CSE212-Long Contest 1


This is a long contest covering data structures till date. Please use the ADTs used already to submit the solutions. Marks will be deducted if brute force solution without ADT given. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Whether code is similar across submissions or found online the solution will be considered invalid and marks penalised for that problem.


Problem Points AC Rate Users
Check for Balanced Brackets 10p 32.5% 393
cseap2-percentile 20p 29.4% 265
Palindromic Binary Trees 20p 28.4% 296
Infix to Postfix Conversion 15p 30.1% 517
Expression Equivalence 50p 0.1% 1


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    vidhya  commented on April 15, 2021, 3:06 p.m.

    Please use appropriate Data Structures for the problems with proper templates. If the data structures are not used test cases may be updated to enforce it or template may be enforced.