19CSE201 - Advanced Programming Periodical 2 (2022) - Slot 2


This is the periodical exam for the 19CSE201 - Advanced Programming course for the 2021-25 batch.

Kindly read the following instructions regarding this test.


  1. Any malpractice will be taken seriously and will have consequences
  2. This exam can be taken only once and DOES NOT ALLOW REJOINING if the student leaves the test.
  3. Faculty are not responsible for any technical errors / situations that may be the result of incorrect interactions with the system by the student
  4. In case of 502 errors, report the same via teams chat and be patient. It will be resolved.
  5. HPOJ will be a little slow as there are multiple evaluations taking place. Be patient.
  6. In case the IDE is stuck at "Processing" for over 2 minutes(120 seconds), you may want to try closing the browser and trying again. But remember to keep a copy of the code as otherwise it may be erased (A quick submission might be of use during this time).
  7. The number of submissions per question may be limited but it is more than sufficient and it would serve you well to keep track of the available submissions.
  8. Most of the doubts can be resolved by looking at the FAQ section on HPOJ.
  10. All test cases have been tested properly and have no errors.
  11. NO! Under no circumstances will any test case be shared.
  12. DO NOT leave the contest before the test is completed. You will not be allowed back into the test.
  13. Multiple logins from same/different browsers are also NOT allowed. If noticed, this will be counted as malpractice and you WILL be penalised accordingly.
  14. Submit your answers well in advance. Any last minute submissions may be voided due to high levels of network traffic and may result in 502 errors.
  15. Any issues arising due to student failure to following instructions will not be entertained by the faculty!


Problem Points AC Rate Users
Some Game! 10p 8.5% 16
Collatz conjecture 10p 10.8% 236
Valid_Paranthesis 10p 12.4% 176


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